Friday, February 14, 2014

Friend, this is what you haven't seen.

Dear friend

Thank you for being with me even though I fail to meet your requirements as a friend. However, before I leave, I want you to know that we live in a colourful world. There are shades and hues of colour every where, in the sky, in the air, in our souls and in our dreams. Don't be confined to what is only on your palette, go out there and explore what the world has to offer. Our lives are like a blank canvas, we are the painters, and everyone has their own colour palette. Some have bright, rich intense colours, whilst others are more towards the lighter, smoother hues. It all depends on how you paint your canvas, how you mix your colours. Anyone and everyone can ask others for colours to mix with their own and paint a piece of their choice. It doesn't matter whether it is nice or ugly, it is your piece of art, that is colourful, and that is what makes it unique. If you are only confined to your own scheme of colours, then I'm afraid your piece of art will not be interesting at all. My palette is made of only one colour, which is very boring and in your terms " bo liao" to you. But, if you can allow me to mix my colour with yours, together we can paint a work we can call our own. Don't reject people when they want to share their colour with you even if it doesn't look nice. You can always mix it with some of your own and little miracles happen. Sometimes, some colours just do not mix like red and green, and that is when we learn to complement,what we call in Chinese as 配合. Just like how the green stem and leaves complement the bright red rose. What you must recognise is that some of these colours on your palette,no matter how bad they are, do not go away no matter how hard to wash them. At first it may seem ugly to you, but then you will notice that actually, it is one of the things that can define you other than the pretty colours on your palette. Everyone has got pretty colours, but it would then be difficult to tell them apart.
Also, there is one more thing you must know, we all have that ugly colour, nobody has a perfect palette of only lovely, pleasant looking colours. So if someone comes along with his/her palette with some colours that you don't like, do not reject them once again. You must be able to recognise that they have the lovely colours too that can complement yours and make your palette a even prettier one, even a mono-coloured palette(on the surface). Then, there are some out there who purposely spills bad colours onto your palette and laughs and jeers. I'm not saying that you should spill your bad colours onto theirs because that will make a mess everywhere. Instead, pick those colours out, mix it with your own ones and see the magic, your colours will be as vibrant as ever. But, when someone lashes out and breaks your palette, it is all right. There is something called the superglue of hope and faith, and you can glue it back together again. If you lack colour, don't worry, there will always be the refilling station of love and joy that helps you get another palette with the hues that you choose. So wield your brush well, friend, paint your picture. If you ever have the time to pop around, flip over my mono-coloured palette and you shall see a variety of colour that you will never believe, any and every kind you can imagine.

Addendum: Valentine's day is not only for couples. It is to celebrate the love between people. Love does not necessarily mean the kind that exists between boyfriends and girlfriends, it also embraces the kind that exists between friends and family. Stop filling your heart with the pitch dark of hatred and open it up to sunshine and love. Believe me, life is stunning when you choose to live it with a pinch of love and enjoyment.

All the best in your everything!