Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Fashion is for the Foolish

The dark crimson lipstick glided effortlessly across her plump lower lip and she enjoyed its consistency of Shea butter. She pursed her lips together, pressed them lightly a few times back and forth to ensure the deep red was evenly spread. Then, she fished out a minute pair of pink forceps from her closet and also a transparent case containing a set of flamboyant lashes, resembling shrunken replicas of peacock tails. Gingerly, she squeezed a thin streak of translucent glue on the lashes' base and adjusted them with  a few dexterous, precise moves. Her look was then completed with the insertion of 2 electric blue contact lenses onto her snow-hued sclera, shielding the lovely burnt sienna of her eyes. She looked at herself in the mirror and barely recognized the lady staring back at her. There she was, with pseudo-hollowed cheeks and a contoured bridge coupled with unnaturally long lashes. The reflection’s saturated cyan eyes stared into her soul. Everything that she witnesses captured in the 1.2x1.0m reflective surface is unreal. She once adored the attention she received by setting the trends. She absolutely loved it when people labeled her as a daring pioneer; she was the Queen of Fad. But now, it all seemed so empty. Her soul is hollowed out, trying to be different and have an edge over other people. It was a comparison of who had the most outstanding features, who had the most eyeball-grabbing look. But overtime it has morphed into a competition of who has the weirdest riot of color on their faces, and honestly, it had not done her a single bit of good. Slivers of the stage wash that illuminated her cheeks reveal the uneven surfaces created by little bumps of pimples. Even the best concealer fails to hide the effect of age, the tender lines conjugating to form a mermaid tail along the corners of her eyes. 
I’m one year older, but not one year wiser, she thought to herself.
She mulled over it, and thought about why she had gone into the modeling industry in the first place and took a trip down memory lane where the floodgates of yesteryear were unleashed. She thought about her idol, Audrey Hepburn. Her almond shaped eyes and finely chiseled features formed in her mind. Hepburn’s exquisite features and her charm that overwhelmed the stage in Roman Holiday penetrated the 50 years’ worth of cultural and ideological differences. But it had all seemed so different then and now. Hepburn had natural beauty and a refreshing charisma that no one has. She had a fine frame, unlike her large physique which made her very ashamed.
Well, how about someone more recent, she pondered. As her eyes gazed heavenwards, she thought about stars like Ariana Grande. It was as if god had packed the world’s supply of sunshine into her soul. It radiates and glows wherever she goes, a radical difference from her where she always faked it till she had made it. Every single time on the run way is a nightmare worse than meeting a real life Medusa. She fear that the audience’s comments may pierce her like how a curse is inserted into the limbs and body of a voodoo doll. People are starting to detest her. They label her as an oddball with a very eccentric sense of dolling up. It tears through her and rips her into little pieces.
Just then, the manager calls. The voice makes reverberates off the walls of her inner ear.
“Phoebe, it’s your turn on stage!”

She squirms inside as she balanced on 15 inch cream heels with a matching outfit armed with an attitude for war. She wore this air of confidence around her like she never had and posed in her most cutting-edge positions. She smiles despite the frowns cast at her from the audience. Once she was done, she splashed the makeup off her face and crushed the contact lenses, disposing them into a common bin along with her lashes. After all, she was no longer head over heels over fashion. It was driving her crazy, she was losing herself, not knowing who she really was inside. At the end of the day, she is only Phoebe, and she will always be. Fashion is not really meant for everyone. Down the road, the ones who remain real and true to themselves are the most captivating. And with that thought, she packed up and leaved a resign letter on her table the next day, relieved finally that she has found herself and how she has dumped a foolish decision. 

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